This wood shelf floor lamp hot sale for it is not only a décor but also a functional shelf for your home or office. This lamp modern design features an elegant and never out of date outlook. The top contains a white fabric shade, through which the led shelf lamp lighting your room with soft warm light and adds ambiance. This lamp also comes with three shelves for multiple displaying options. What’s more, if you want, you can add usb port on it. Why this is allowed? Because Goodly Light is a professional lamp manufacture! That’s easy to us.Check out our shelf lamps for living room if you think it is exactly what you are looking for!
⑴Erakusteko 3 apal ditu
⑵MDF eraikuntza xafla beltzekin
⑶Ehun zurizko itzala
⑷Erakarri / itzali katearen etengailua erraz sar daiteke
Apala Beltza, Oinarrizko Lanpara, 3 Biltegirako Apalategia Lanpara Pull katearekin
EZ artikulua | GL-FLWS023 |
Fabrikatua | Txapeldun Nagusia |
Saldu | Ongi Argia |
Gaineko tamaina | 10,25 "W x 10,25" D x 62,75 "H |
Itzalaren tamaina | 8,5 "Dia. X 14,5" H |
Oinarriaren neurria | 10,25 "W x 10,25" D |
Kolore | White / Black / Wanult / Kafea / Natural |
Material | Ehuna eta MDF |
Beharrezkoa | Bai |
Kategoria | Solairu Lanparak |
This modern apal solairuko lanpara designed by Goodly light.
Hiru biltegiratze apal dituen zurezko apaleko lanpara honek erronbiko diseinatutako itzala du, zure bizilekua alaitzen duzun bitartean zure liburuak, argazkiak edo bestelako oroigarriak erakusteko leku ezin hobea eskaintzen du. Argitu zure egongela, logela, multimedia gela edo bulegoa apaleko zoruko lanpara moderno eta zoragarri honekin.