Cheap Tripod Floor Lamp, Coffee Wood Legs with Nickel Finish and Beige shade Fabric Shade, Mid Century Contemporary Modern Style
Hlutur númer | GL-FLW008 |
Framleitt af | Stórmeistari |
Selt af | Gott ljós |
Stærð skugga | 18.11"W x 10.23"D |
Yfir stærð | 18.11"W x 10.23"D x 61.02"H |
Skuggi litur | Hvítt / beige / svart (sérhannað) |
Líkamslitur | Hvítt / svart / Wanult / kaffi / náttúrulegt |
Efni | Efni og gegnheilum viði |
Skiptitegund | Snúðu hnappinum |
Assmbly krafist | Já |
Flokkur | Gólfperur |
Þessi nútíma þrífótur gólf lampi hannaður af Goodly light.
This wooden torchiere lamp features classic tripod stance design,making it easily matches modern architecture and decor. With a white line shade, it looks more natural amd elegant, which is perfectly suitable to bedroom, living room or study room.Easy to use on/off rotary socket switch.Use this mid century contemporary modern style to brighten your living space.