Mordern Brass Pharmacy LED Floor Lamp,Shades be Adjustable Lamp Floor | Goodly Light-GL-FLM09 factory and suppliers | Goodly

Lampa ta 'l - Art LED Mordern Brass Pharmacy, L - Ilwien ikunu Sular tal - Bozza Aġġustabbli | Tajjeb Ħafif-GL-FLM09

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

gold floor lamp,fanal tal-paviment tax-xogħol, column floor lamp, easy-use touch dimmble switch, made of  high quality material,energy saving bright led bulb,brushed gold floor lamp

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  • MOQ: 100 Biċċiet
  • Termini Kummerċ: EXW-fabbrika, FOB Shenzhen
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: : T / T, L / C,
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    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Pharmacy LED Floor Lamp with Touch Dimmble switch

    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Floor Lamp
    Punt NO GL-FLM09
    Manifatturat minn Champ Grand
    Mibjugħa minn Tajjeb Dawl
    Daqs tad-Dell 8"
    Daqs tal-Bażi 10"
    Għoli tal-Bozza 65"  
    Kulur tal-Ġisem Brass Brown / Brass / Black / Nickel / Chrome
    Materjali Metall
    Tip ta ’Swiċċ Touch switch
    Kategorija Lampi tal-art

    Din il fanal art metall  iddisinjata minn   Goodly Light.

    The mordern brass pharmacy floor lamp has a look allowing it to fit most decor types.With a simple yet elegant look,this lamp adds opulent minimalist style to your living space. This metal floor lamp with 8W LED bulbs gives off warm, soft lighting that will create a comfortable ambience while you are reading or working.It stands with the weighted base that ensures stability,so it is easy to reposition.

    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Floor Lamp 1
    Mordern 3 modi dimmable Brass Floor Lamp 3
    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Floor Lamp 2
    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Floor Lamp detail 2
    Mordern 3 ways dimmable Brass Floor Lamp detail 3

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