Modern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp, Tree Floor Lamp | Goodly Light-GL-FLM026 factory and suppliers | Goodly

Lampa tal-Art tas-Siġar tal-Metall 3-Dawl Moderna, Lampa tal-Art tas-Siġra | Tajjeb Ħafif-GL-FLM026

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Lampi art metall, metall lampi art ,3 adjustable light head,metal construction,rotary switch on top of each head,brushed gold floor lamp

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  • MOQ: 100 Biċċiet
  • Termini Kummerċ: EXW-fabbrika, FOB Shenzhen
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: : T / T, L / C,
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    prodott Tags

    Mordern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp, Brushed Brass Finish

    Mordern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp
    Punt NO GL-FLM026
    Manifatturat minn Champ Grand
    Mibjugħa minn Tajjeb Dawl
    Daqs tad-Dell 5"W x 5.5"D 
    Daqs tal-Bażi 10"
    Għoli tal-Bozza 64.17"
    Kulur tal-Ġisem Brass Brown / Brass / Black / Nickel / Chrome
    Materjali Metall
    Tip ta ’Swiċċ Dawwar Buttuna
    Kategorija Lampi tal-art

    Din il fanal art metall  iddisinjata minn   Goodly Light.

    This 3-Light floor lamp is the perfect add-on to your bedroom,living room,study room or offices. Featuring 3 adjustable lamp head,this modern metal tree floor lamp allows you to achieve the perfect lighting and decorative effect of your needs. Each lamp shade has it's own switch, allowing you illuminate your space fully or focused on the area of your choice. With a simple yet stylish outlook,this lamp easily fits in any decor and you can place it in your living room,bedroom, family room, office, kid's room, study, college dorm or perfect next to a chair / table for reading as a task light.

    Mordern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp 1
    Mordern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp 2
    Mordern Metal 3-Light Tree Floor Lamp 3

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